MainWP is a valuable website management tool for managing multiple WordPress websites.  MainWP is not a hosting service. It is an open-source, self-hosted WordPress website management plugin. MainWP is an important part of our hosting service.  We use MainWP for managing ALL SITES - all WordPress sites - to deliver premium, value-added-services to clients while keeping our exceptionally strong services affordable.

MainWP is a great partner of OnYourMark, LLC!

Here are some of the many reasons MainWP is an important website management tool:

  1. Centralized Dashboard: MainWP allows us to manage all WordPress sites from a single, centralized dashboard, making it easy to keep track of updates, themes, plugins, and users across all client sites.
  2. Time and Effort Savings: MainWP helps save our time and effort by largely automating tasks like updates, backups, and security checks. We also bulk install plugin updates and theme updatess across multiple sites at once, streamlining our management process.
  3. Improved Security: MainWP helps maintain our client sites' and our sites' security by making it easy to monitor and address any potential vulnerabilities.  We keep all sites updated with the latest security patches and far more easily manage SSL certificates.
  4. Uptime Monitoring: With MainWP, we can and do monitor all sites' uptime and receive notifications when any of them go down. This helps us quickly identify and address any issues and ensure sites are always accessible to users.
  5. Team Collaboration: MainWP supports multiple users, making it easy for our team to collaborate to manage all sites. We set up custom user roles and permissions to ensure each of our associates has access to the tools they need, and only the tools they need.
  6. Extensibility: MainWP offers a variety of extensions that we use to help all clients.  Given our employment of MainWP extensions on every site we host, we're able to "tie-in" the functionality of each individual site to the ease of management of a "master control panel."
  7. Simplified Content Management: With MainWP, we can manage and schedule content across all sites from a single dashboard. This makes it easier to ensure that all sites are consistently updated with fresh, relevant content.  We achieve this by giving premium clients the option of having us post Holiday content that applies to everyone who wants to take advantage of it.  For example, we post an average of five or six times per year for important national holidays, including New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day and Thanksgiving; and Easter and Christmas for those who elect to have us do it.  MainWP enables us to do these blog posts for clients affordably and effectively - (*Free – included with our premium, value-added-services hosting clients.)
  8. Site Performance Optimization: MainWP enables us to monitor and optimize the performance of all sites by tracking important metrics such as page load times and resource usage. This helps us continuously identify and improve performance issues, resulting in faster, smoother user experiences.
  9. SEO Management: MainWP helps us manage SEO-related tasks like keyword tracking, meta tags, and XML sitemaps across all sites. This helps us improve client sites’ search engine rankings and increase organic traffic for all clients.
  10. Backup and Restore: MainWP allows us to schedule regular backups for all sites - which we do every week - ensuring that you have a safe copy of your data in case of any issues. We can also easily restore sites from a backup if needed, minimizing downtime and data loss.
  11. Custom Branding:  We use the MainWP website management tool for clients, and MainWP allows us to add our custom branding to client dashboards, establishing greater consistency and trust. This can help us create a more consistent, professional appearance and strengthens our brand identity.
  12. Cost-Effective Solution: MainWP is a free (to our clients), open-source solution, making it an affordable option.
  13. Scalability: MainWP is built to handle any number of WordPress sites, making it a scalable solution for businesses of all sizes, including ours. As our website portfolio grows, we can continue to perform all sites efficiently through our MainWP website management tool without any additional cost.
  14. Customizable Notifications: MainWP allows us to set up custom notifications and alerts for various events on your sites, such as updates, downtime, or security issues. This keeps us informed of any critical issues that need our attention, and - if needed - allow us to communicate a specific concern to a client.
  15. Integration with Popular Services: MainWP can be integrated with popular third-party services like Google Analytics, Cloudflare, and others. This allows us to setup and  to access and manage these services directly from our MainWP dashboard for added convenience.
  16. Regular Updates and Support: MainWP is an actively developed and well-maintained plugin, with regular updates to ensure compatibility with the latest WordPress versions and improved functionality. The MainWP community and support forums are also available to help us resolve any issues we might encounter.
  17. Website Cloning and Migration: MainWP makes it easier to clone and migrate sites to new servers, reducing the time and effort required for these tasks. This is particularly important because we regularly upgrade to new servers every two or three years at the most.
  18. Robust Security Features: MainWP offers built-in security features, such as IP blocking, two-factor authentication, and user access controls. These features help us protect sites and dashboards from unauthorized access.
  19. Developer Friendly: MainWP is built with us - developers - in mind, offering custom hooks and filters that allow us to extend and customize the plugin to meet the common needs of all clients and the granular of some clients.
  20. Flexible Automation: MainWP allows us to set up custom automation rules, such as scheduling routine tasks or creating triggers based on specific events. This helps us ensure sites are always running smoothly and efficiently.
  21. Detailed Documentation: OnYourMark associates are diligent about documentation. MainWP provides comprehensive documentation that helped us get started with this website management tool in 2014. MainWP has performed numerous regular and robust updates, both large and small, on a continual basis - just like we do for our clients. MainWP helps us troubleshoot issues, and that helps us make the most of the plugin’s features. This makes it easier for us to learn and master the ins and outs of MainWP, and maximize its benefits for our clients. And MainWP sets a good example to us for our further documentation on behalf of clients.
  22. Active Community: MainWP boasts an active community of users, developers, and contributors who can provide support, advice, and best practices. This community-driven approach fosters continuous improvement and ensures the plugin stays up-to-date with the latest industry trends.
  23. Streamlined Site Health Monitoring: MainWP allows us to monitor the overall health of all websites, including available updates, backup status, and security scans. This helps us quickly identify and address any potential issues that could impact your sites' performance or security.
  24. Offline Checks: MainWP can perform offline checks on websites, verifying if the site is down or experiencing any connectivity issues. This helps us proactively address and minimize downtime and maintain site availability, giving us over 28 years of over 99.99% uptime for clients.
  25. Multilingual Support: MainWP supports multiple languages, making it accessible to users around the world. This helps ensure that we can effectively manage your sites, regardless of your language preferences.
  26. Customizable Interface: MainWP features a customizable interface that allows us to personalize your dashboard and create a user experience tailored to your needs. You (and we) can rearrange widgets, add or remove sections, and adjust settings to optimize your workflow.
  27. Access Control: MainWP offers granular access control options, allowing us to define specific user roles and permissions for each team member (whether an associate of ours, or of our clients).  This ensures that each user has the appropriate level of access to manage all sites - or one site - effectively while maintaining security and accountability.
  28. One-click Access to Individual Sites: MainWP enables us to quickly access individual site dashboards with a single click, streamlining our management process and making it easier to switch between sites as needed.
  29. White Label Solution: We use the MainWP white-label solution, allowing us to rebrand the plugin and present it as our own to clients or end-users. This can help enhance our company's brand image and offer a more seamless, professional experience.  We're not shy about saying MainWP is a partner...sometimes it is just a trust issue of having updates appear to come from us rather than a third-party website management tool that, quite frankly, most clients do not know (or care...) that we employ. Clients simply continue to trust us to get the job done for them!
  30. Compatibility with Popular Themes and Plugins: MainWP is designed to work seamlessly with most popular WordPress themes and plugins, ensuring that we can continue to use your preferred tools and resources without any compatibility issues.
  31. Responsive Design: MainWP's dashboard is fully responsive, allowing us to manage all sites effectively from any device, including smartphones and tablets. This provides flexibility in how and where we work, making it easier to stay on top of your sites' needs.
  32. Training Resources: MainWP offers various training resources, including video tutorials, webinars, and blog posts, to help users learn how to use the plugin effectively. These resources help us master MainWP's features and make the most of its website management tool capabilities.
  33. Import and Export Settings: MainWP allows us to import and export settings between different MainWP installations, making it easy to transfer configurations across different environments. This can be helpful when migrating sites or setting up new installations with similar configurations.
  34. Maintenance Mode: MainWP enables us to put any and all sites into maintenance mode as needed, displaying a customizable message to your visitors while we perform updates or maintenance tasks. This helps us maintain a professional appearance and minimize disruption for users. While rarely used, we find this feature is a godsend when needed.
  35. Third-Party Extension Support: MainWP's extensible architecture allows us to create custom extensions that add new features or integrate with other tools and services. This enables us to further enhance MainWP's capabilities to better suit your specific needs.  Good examples include search engine and social site analytics.
  36. Activity Tracking: MainWP allows us to track user activity across all sites, providing a clear and detailed audit trail. This help us monitor team productivity, identify potential security concerns, and ensure accountability. In other words, we know who (whether clients or our associates) did what (made any and all changes and updates) and when.
  37. Comment Management: With MainWP, we can - and do - easily manage comments across all sites from a single dashboard, streamlining the moderation process and ensuring a consistent user experience.  NOTE: If you think email spam is bad - comment spam can be 99.9% of the content of comments made on your blog posts.  We take care of it so clients don't have to!
  38. Error Monitoring: MainWP helps us monitor and troubleshoot errors on all sites, while providing insights into potential issues and helping us maintain site stability and performance for all clients.

OnYourMark uses MainWP an average minimum of twelve times per week. Sometimes as often as fifteen or eighteen times in a week. Without this outstanding website management tool, it would take us a minimum of one hundred more (non-productive) person-hours per month to achieve the same excellent support, security and results for clients that we pride ourselves on. That's why we are proud of our partnership with MainWP!

We welcome your comments, questions and suggestions.  Please contact us with questions.  Best to callemail or visit our site for the best response.  We do invite you to engage with us on social media (just not for immediate needs). As always, if you like, you will find us on the following social media sites, among many others:


Phone/Text: 262-853-7900

Organizer, Wisconsin Business Owners

Founder & CEO, OnYourMark, LLC

Author, WebForging, A Practical Guide to the Art of Forging Your Web Presence

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