New Ticket System for Website, Marketing and Multimedia Work

This month we are implementing a new ticket system for website design, production, programming, marketing and multimedia work.

To submit a ticket, just email support@onyourmark.com and detail your question or request within the body of the email.

The email automatically enters a ticket in our work order system. If you email a staff member directly and he or she is out of the office, your email may not be seen until he or she returns. Emailing support@onyourmark.com creates a ticket that several staff members can see and respond to.

As a ticket is being worked on, you will notice a ticket number in the subject line of emails related to that project. This number allows us to track work progress and save all correspondence related to the project. The subject lines will be similar to this:

Text Changes on samplenamehere.com [onyourmark.com #58344].

Email support@onyourmark.com when you need to:

  • Send us materials (images, text, video clips) for website, marketing or multimedia projects
  • Request website updates, changes or additions
  • Submit a proof for a project
  • Email search engine optimization materials or questions about search engine rankings
  • Ask a question about your website, internet marketing or multimedia (or general questions about these topics)

For website hosting and email support, please see our March 2008 PromoSupport Article for instructions.

The ticket system is included as part of the hour per month of maintenance provided with your website hosting and email service.

Phone/Text: 262-853-7900

Organizer, Wisconsin Business Owners

Founder & CEO, OnYourMark, LLC

Author, WebForging, A Practical Guide to the Art of Forging Your Web Presence

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